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THE FIRST AND ONLY FDA-CLEARED ENERGY DEVICE FOR THE TREATMENT OF MILD TO SEVERE ACNE. AviClear’s 1726 nm wavelength treats acne at the source by selectively targeting and suppressing the sebaceous gland safely and effectively. Designed with patient comfort in mind, AviClear is enhanced with AviCoolTM contact cooling for an optimal and safe treatment experience.

What is AviClear

AviClear is the first and only FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild to severe acne. The laser is the first of its kind, as it can be used to treat all skin tones, no matter how minor or major a patient's breakouts may be. 


How Much Does AviClearTreatments Cost in San Diego, CA?

The cost for AviClear™ differs depending on the recommendations from our skin care professional. We will customize the best treatment plan for each patient to optimize quality results.

What Areas Does AviClearTreat?

AviClear™ works on all types of acne, including cystic, inflammatory, and hormonal acne. The treatment is also safe and effective for all skin tones, making it a great option for a variety of people with acne-prone skin. If you are seeking long-term, drug-free acne treatment, AviClear™ may be right for you.

What is the AviClearTreatment Like?

AviClear uses the power of laser light to selectively target and suppress sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at the source without the need for prescription medications.

What Results Can I Expect from AviClear?

Clinical trials demonstrate that current and future breakout episodes are shorter, less intense, and more infrequent following the AviClear procedure. Further, acne clearance results continue to improve over time, demonstrating the long-term efficacy of this novel treatment.


Why Choose Us for AviClearTreatments?

Belladerma Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center is the leading option for AviClear™ and other skin care services in San Diego and the surrounding areas. This is because of:

  • Over 16 years dedicated to the art and science of plastic surgery
  • Over 15000 successful procedures
  • Board certified and members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Up to date on the latest plastic surgery trends and techniques
  • Accommodates Spanish-speaking patients
  • Invest a great deal of time and care into each patient appointment
  • Excellent bedside manner

Finally, our team has mastered the AviClear treatment to provide patients with the best possible outcomes. We are eager to provide you with your desired results by offering this and other skin care services.

Dr. Mozaffari and the rest of the team at Belladerma Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center offer AviClear™ treatments to help patients achieve tighter, more youthful skin. To determine if you’re a good candidate for AviClear™, contact us today and schedule your consultation. We proudly serve the residents of Carmel Valley, San Diego, La Jolla and the nearby areas of California.